Annual Day 2022

Annual Day 2022

Picture of Author : Ms.Nijila Banu
Author : Ms.Nijila Banu

Vice Principal

YIPS Republic Day 2022

Our school celebrated India’s 73rd Republic Day with great eclat. The students took pride in glorifying and celebrating the spirit of unity, virtually. The programme began at 08:00am.

Our honourable Secretary hoisted the National flag, the students and faculty members saluted the National flag and pledged to uphold honour and integrity.

Teachers and students sang the patriotic Tamil flag song. Ms.Rathika took up the duty of gracing the day by her compering. Welcome address was delivered by Raha Varshini of Grade VI. Her speech urged all the students to do their best and feel proud to be an Indian.

The students brought the feeling of patriotism with their passion and love of the motherland through the character portrayal of Freedom fighters which reverberated the patriotic favor in everyone’s heart . Finally a vote of thanks was proposed by Mithra of Grade VII. The celebration came to an end by singing the National anthem.

The celebration ended with the image of the fluttering tricolor in their mind and heart. May we continue celebrating this day forever!

YIPS Republic Day 2022

YIPS Republic Day 2022

Picture of Author : Ms.Nijila Banu
Author : Ms.Nijila Banu

Vice Principal

YIPS Republic Day 2022

Our school celebrated India’s 73rd Republic Day with great eclat. The students took pride in glorifying and celebrating the spirit of unity, virtually. The programme began at 08:00am.

Our honourable Secretary hoisted the National flag, the students and faculty members saluted the National flag and pledged to uphold honour and integrity.

Teachers and students sang the patriotic Tamil flag song. Ms.Rathika took up the duty of gracing the day by her compering. Welcome address was delivered by Raha Varshini of Grade VI. Her speech urged all the students to do their best and feel proud to be an Indian.

The students brought the feeling of patriotism with their passion and love of the motherland through the character portrayal of Freedom fighters which reverberated the patriotic favor in everyone’s heart . Finally a vote of thanks was proposed by Mithra of Grade VII. The celebration came to an end by singing the National anthem.

The celebration ended with the image of the fluttering tricolor in their mind and heart. May we continue celebrating this day forever!

Science Fair 2022

Picture of Author : Ms. Rathika and Ms. Sathya
Author : Ms. Rathika and Ms. Sathya

Teaching Staff

Date : 26.2.2022

Venue : Atrium

Time: 10: 30 a.m to 2:00 p.m

  To bring out the inbuilt talents of the young Indians, The Science Fair was organized and conducted on 26th February, 2022 in the school premises. The students from grades I to IX devotedly took part to show up their scientific knowledge. It started around 10:30 a.m. and lasted till 2:00 p.m. The Secretary sir and the Vice Principal mam witnessed all the models and cheered the students for their efforts taken amidst the pandemic situation. All other students were actively examined the models and quenched their thirst for technology.


          We, heartily thank The Management, The Secretary sir, The Principal mam and the Vice principal mam for creating the ground for the students to showcase their talents. 

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