RecenT Events

January 26th 2022

Republic Day Celebration

The 73rd Republic Day was celebrated at YIPS . The students took pride in glorifying and celebrating the spirit of unity, virtually.

January 13th 2022

Pongal Celebration

Pongal Celebrations were conducted @YIPS for children on 13th of January 2022.

Dec 10th 2021

"Final Farewell to the True Heroes"

YIPS paid an emotional tribute to CDS General Bipin Rawat, Group Captain Varun Singh and the Other Soldiers who lost their lives in a helicopter crash at Coonoor.

Upcoming Events

Feb 28th2022

Science Fair

We believe in empowering students to express responsibility towards environment. YIPS Science Fair enables to do this….

YIPS Science Fair-Feb-28th -2022